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2008年12月30日 星期二

«Имя России 俄羅斯之名» 票選落幕

«Имя России - Исторический Выбор 2008» 俄羅斯之名這個活動終於落幕了, 第三階段的 12 位人物的票選終於揭曉.

 всего голосов
Александр Невский
524 5751
П.А. Столыпин
首相 史托里賓
523 766 2
И.В. Сталин
519 0713
А.С. Пушкин
516 6084
Петр I
448 8575
В.И. Ленин
424 2836
Ф.М. Достоевский
348 6347
А.В. Суворов
329 0288
Д.И. Менделеев
306 5209
Иван IV Грозный
270 57010
Екатерина II
152 30611
Александр II
134 62212
4 498 840 

資料來源: «Имя России - Исторический Выбор 2008» http://www.nameofrussia.ru/

這份票選是由全俄羅斯人投票得出, 在俄羅斯之名首頁上這份表格的左側還有份表格, 是評審團票選, 列在第一名的有兩位, 是涅夫斯基大公和普希金, 分別得到 131 張票, 第二名則是常勝將軍蘇沃洛夫, 第三名是改革派首相史托里賓.

我個人認為, 在今日晚報上法新社的標題, 下的很怪, 因為我認為俄羅斯之名這個活動是票選影響俄羅斯的歷史人物, 這些人物在目前的社會與歷史觀感上有善有惡, 用 "最受歡迎" 其實蠻不洽當的, 像是史達林, 伊凡雷帝, 凱撒琳女皇, 這些人在大家的所學中幾乎都是與殘暴不仁畫上等號的, 那會受人歡迎嗎? 俄羅斯人的想法真的有這麼怪異嗎?

換個說法, 中國歷史中的秦始皇, 即使到今天, 都數千年後了, 我們再談到他, 他代表的是什麼? 暴政? 殘虐? 可是如果沒有他的車同軌, 書同文, 那接下來的各朝各代會是什麼樣的演變? 天曉得! 所以只能說他影響中國歷史深遠, 卻不能說他受人歡迎吧!? 雖然我是蠻喜歡這個以權勢排除萬難, 進行改革的君主, 只是他的手段太超過, 但是再想想在那樣紛亂的朝代裡, 沒這樣做, 他有多少時間能做? 成效又能達到多少? 在亂世裡本來就不可能以仁政治世.

那如果把 popular, популярный 這個字解釋為廣為人知, 是不是會比較好一點?

俄羅斯最受歡迎歷史人物票選 史達林第三

* 2008-12-29
* 今日晚報
* 【法新社】

儘管前蘇聯獨裁者史達林(Josef Stalin)掌政權期間發生飢荒,並實施淨化屠殺無數萬名同胞,但今天截止投票的全國性民調顯示,史達林獲得高票,成為俄羅斯第三受歡迎的歷史人物。

位居這份名單榜首的是第13世紀擊退日耳曼入侵者的亞歷山大涅夫斯基王子(Alexander Nevsky),第二名的則是20世紀初以農地改革及鎮壓左翼分子革命聞名的俄國首相史托里賓(Pyotr Stolypin)。



Stalin voted third most popular Russian

Today, 01:27 am
Reuters Dmitry Solovyov

Soviet dictator Josef Stalin was voted Russia's third most popular historical figure in a nationwide poll that ended on Sunday, despite the famine and purges that marked his rule. Skip related content

The "Name of Russia" contest run by Rossiya state television channel over more than six months closed on Sunday night with a final vote via the Internet and mobile phones. It drew more than 50 million votes in a nation of 143 million.

Millions of Soviet citizens perished from famine during forced collectivisation, were executed as "enemies of the people" or died in Gulag hard labour camps during Stalin's rule which lasted for almost 30 years until his death in 1953.

"We now have to think very seriously, why the nation chooses to put Josef Vissarionovich Stalin in third place," prominent actor and film director Nikita Mikhalkov, one of the contest's judges, said after the results of the vote flashed on a screen.

"We may find ourselves in a situation where absolute power and voluntarism that ignores people's opinions may prevail in our country, if a fairly large part of the nation wants it."

At the top of the list was 13th century prince Alexander Nevsky, who defeated German invaders, followed by Pyotr Stolypin, a prime minister in the early 20th century known for agrarian reforms and a clampdown on leftist revolutionaries.

The project was launched in mid-June with a list of 50 historical figures selected from some 500 original ones.


Support for the Georgian-born Stalin came alongside widespread grief at the death of Soviet-era dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn in August as the project was gaining pace.

Solzhenitsyn, himself a former political prisoner, told the world the gruesome truth about Stalin's camps in his book "The Gulag Archipelago."

"The younger generation is fed with myths about Stalin. It knows nothing about the millions who died in Gulag camps but well knows he was a strong leader who defeated (Nazi) Germany," human rights activist Lev Ponomaryov told Reuters.

He said a whiff of Stalinism was felt in Russia's harsh tone with the West which has accused Moscow of backtracking on democratic reforms and keeping a tight lid on dissent.

"Again, foreign enemies are to blame for all internal problems, so you need to rule with an iron fist -- it's a purely Stalinist method."

Stalin's nostalgic supporters like to repeat that he defeated Nazi Germany, industrialised the Soviet Union and achieved total literacy across a backward peasant nation.

"Of course, there were also dark pages...and coming along with his genius there were also destructive moments, but in general he is remembered mostly as a great leader," Viktor Ilyukhin, a leading member of the Communist party, told Reuters.

"We have been living under capitalism for 20 years now and so what? We are now a rank-and-file country, no longer a superpower. Our voice is weak both in economics and politics, and key decisions are sometimes taken without us."

(Reporting by Dmitry Solovyov; editing by Philippa Fletcher)



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